As of May 2019, The Waterfall Arts Foundation (WAF) has been officially incorporated as a non-profit (registered as 501c3) to sustain Waterfall’s work of serving living artists and the community since 2014. Waterfall believes art is much more than a commodity; they are windows through which we can all feel, imagine, and hope. Our mission is to restore the dreams and hopes of artists everywhere in recognition of the vital role they play as a catalyst for human flourishing.
WAF promotes and fosters the artistic education, care, and development of international artists, ministries, communities, and cultures. The Waterfall Arts Foundation seeks to honor living artists from across the spectrum of the arts by investing in their intellectual property capital outside of art sales. Through exhibitions, mentorships, art programmes, residencies, business partnerships, and collaborations, we invest in personable relationships with artists to connect them to practical resources that support their personal sustainable careers and their potential to flourish.
Today, the gallery has featured over 300 international contemporary artists, curating exhibitions combined with director Kate Shin’s personally inspired brand of authenticity, hospitality, and a steady commitment to excellence. WAF cultivates a culture of care through art and faith innovation. With this philosophy, we launched Waterfall Artful Living, where we use the intrinsic beauty of art and the storytelling talent of artists to enhance environments and experiences to promote social good and a prosperous livelihood. Artful Living Gallery is showcased on the upper levels of the Upper East Side Mansion, in NYC, It integrates fine art and lifestyle design to showcase how to live with art.
“Artists should not be isolated and should be fostered in a community.”
— Kate Shin, Founder of Waterfall Arts Foundation